Saturday, June 12, 2010

Writing sometimes sucks

I have been working hard to finish my current book on beer gardens. It is complete. At this stage the publisher, fact checks, checks for plagiarism, spelling, grammar and they will comment on content. They will then return my poor butchered manuscript back for corrections.

This is tough and sometimes it just sucks. No one likes criticism, especially writers. I have a good friend who is writing a book and she does not want me to read it because she is afraid I might criticize it.

My true feeling is that writers need ALL of the criticism they can get. it is was makes a perfect copy not only top publish but also to send around to get a publisher or agent in the first place. This process makes it more likely someone will read it, because I can tell you sometimes my grammar sucks. I need someone objective to look at my work and shred it to make it better and me a better writer in the future.