Friday, October 29, 2010

NaNoWriMo is here

What is NaNoWriMo? It is National Novel Writing Month. It is the time aspiring writers write 50,000 words in a month in a type of online marathon. Everyone that completes the task is a winner.


The website is:


Signing up is free and they offer support, a cool blog of famous writers and even a cool store (yeah I just bought the T-shirt and other gear.)

There is also a local group I intend to try out of other novelists doing the same thing. I was not too lucky with a writer’s critique group before, but I intend to remain optimistic.

I have a novel I have played around for awhile, but it is a new idea that I intend to write about- a first story account from a cat who solves crimes involving the paranormal. Sounds weird right? I wrote a short story involving this cat, and my wife says I just have to roll with it and create a full length novel with the cat as the title character. We shall see!

On other news- I will be teaching a class on getting your book published in February in Hickory NC. If anyone is interested it will be a full day event (I think $100 per person) and it should be informative and fun. If you are interested, feel free to contact me or watch for updates here.

That’s about it I suppose. I am thinking hard about a plot with a cat that talks to a gypsy fortune teller that can actually communicate with him.

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