Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How Much is the Money Worth

As I finish a number of jobs I realize that when the money is there- the world is good, the other 300 days a year can be a nightmare.

It is just the nature of the work and the fact I am working for myself. I have a great boss- he allows me to wear PJ’s to work, take naps when I need them and I can take a day off whenever I need to. But you have to read the fine print- the money can be slow at times. Really slow.

There are days when the bank account looks great- the bills are paid, and I can take my wife out on a date to Mc Donald’s. These are the days to cherish. But most of the time… I am wring 10-12 hours a day, keeping off my creditors and praying I will see a check.

If it were not that I really love to write- I ‘d be better off on welfare. I love to create and type type type- I just hate not being able to scrape up a dollar for a soda once in awhile.

So writer beware- don’t do it for the money because you will be disappointed. Write because you love to write and then pray you win the lottery.

1 comment:

  1. Scraping up for a soda is a luxury item. The terrifying thing is not being able to pay for the copay on perscriptions. The weeks (like this one) when we cannot pay $10 to refill blood presure medications are the days that it makes want to be married to a janitor who gets paid every week instead of a writer.
