Friday, April 2, 2010

Trains and Romantic Notions

It may seem like a romantic notion to be writing on a train. I have to admit that this is my first time out on Amtrak; my trip is taking me  from Raleigh, NC to Ft Lauderdale, FL. I am 8 hours into a 19 hour trip.

My assessment? I am sipping my Starbucks coffee of course. (All I had to do was ask for hot water and I was good to go!). It is 7 o'clock in the morning. I have one word- BUMPY. I guess I never thought about it, but rails are not completely even, and there was a bad storm last night so there is debris on the tracks. I made sleeping in seat that is much like and airplane seat rather tricky.

I am sitting in the lounge car, which is not bad. They have outlets so my electronic devices, such as this computer will not run out of power anytime soon.

So maybe I can get a little work done, who knows. There is no Internet, so I am actually writing this to be posted in the future. ( at least I will not be distracted right?)

The sun is coming up and people are waking up. I have secured my spot and I have high hopes of what I can produce in the next 10 hours.

Have an inky day.

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