Monday, March 30, 2009

Cats In the Catwalk



We got this killer deal on a cat walk system that allows the cats to be outside in a giant habitrail. They have a tower, a clubhouse and other accessories. About $1000 worth of equipment for $50.00. Thanks Craigslist.

We are acclimating the cats to their new digs. Not sure how they feel about it yet. The kind remind me of tigers at a zoo.  I hope they like it- in the big city it is the safest way.

I am counting time as deadlines, 2 concerts, and packing all have to occur in less than a week. I can do it, yes I can!

1 comment:

  1. Your wife got the killer deal on Craigslist. You drove the car. Thanks alot Cat-Daddy.
