Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Ole Switcheroo

Did Coke think that we were stupid? Did they think we would not notice?

I understand that we are headlong into a recession, but swiping 4 ounces from the already overpriced pop is just too much.



coke bottle


I went into a gas station to buy my wife a real coke- not diet, not zero, not cherry, not anything except a real sugary sweet, ice cold Coca Cola.  I reached into the case where they are always waiting.


The Coca Cola company rolled out its original plastic bottle Coke sometime in the 1980’s. It was a 16 oz bottle to replace the glass 16 ounce bottles. Personally, I think it was the greatest mistake for two reasons. First, there is no comparison of coke from a glass bottle compared to one in a plastic bottle. And, somewhere along the line High fructose Corn Syrup replaced plain cane sugar. Once in a blue moon I will find a $2.00 glass bottled coke with cane sugar….ahhhhhhh!!

Back to my rant. I take the bottle of Coke the the register and noticed it was light. Now I agree, that I have drank way too much pop to notice such a difference in density but stay with me. I look at the bottle on the counter and noticed it looked funny, and upon closer inspection I noticed it was 16 oz. Now I remember that Coke went to 20 oz. quite a few years ago, and so I went back to the case. There were NO 20 oz. Coke products. I went back to the register and the clerk rang up the purchase, and it was the same amount as if it were a 20 oz.

I spoke to this clerk and she said she had not noticed, but all of the other pop like Pepsi was still in the 20 oz size. The Coke bottles fit the same racks, look very similar , but that extra 4 oz. are gone!!! What is the deal Coke? The American public will not stand for it. Hike the gasoline prices back up, but leave our pop alone!

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