Monday, February 8, 2010

Don’t Be Afraid

Remember that as a writer, your time is worth money. Try to avoid doing anything for free. I have found that I have about 6 good hours of solid writing a day in me. I can occasionally push that limit, but my work may begin to suffer. Therefore I must decide what my per hour rate is. Here is my formula:


How much I want to make a week/ how many hours I want to work= my rate per hour


$600/ 30 hrs= $20/hr


$1000/35 hrs= $29/hr


In order to figure out how to price a job begin to figure out how many hours you are spending on particular jobs. For instance, if I can write 4 pages an hour on a simple job that does not require research or rewriting of material and the job is 20 pages, I estimate that will take me 5 hours. At the rate of $25/hr I would price the job at $125.


If it takes research I may only produce 2 pages an hour, so my estimate on a 20 page job would be $250.


Next post I will talk about edits and how to handle them. Tags: ,,,

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