Sunday, February 21, 2010

Time management

Ok so here I am bloggin’ instead of writing on my book, but I needed to say that time management is very important.

I have come to the conclusion that I may be slightly ADD as I am extremely distractible. I have shut off twitter, Facebook and email to get real work done. I have to take breaks every hour and shift gears and shift back, but I can only sustain about 6 hours a day of solid writing time and that is a productive day.

I do find when I drink coffee I can stay focused longer. I also do better first thing the morning and then my production starts to waver about 3:00 PM. So I plan and pace myself.

My suggestion is to take a stop watch and time how many minutes a day you are actually typing. Do this for a few days- just hit the timer when you are typing, and when you go on to something else stop the time. See what your productivity is like and remove things that are sucking your time.

I qualify blogging as writing as it helps me focus on what I am doing and how to do it better.

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  1. I actually started blogging to improve my writing and to network with others.

  2. It does help mine, and I can focus on areas to improve and take out of my head and put into print my ideas. Once I see them there I can better judge if they are working for me or not and even better have the perspcetive of others as they make comment.
