Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Passive Income

As a freelance writer passive income is something I have been really trying hard to start. As you may have seen I have added some marketing items to this blog. At the rate I am going with Adsense- I will be able to buy a Starbucks Coffee next year. (and if you want to buy a cup of coffee- please use the link---haha)

Find your favorite Starbucks coffee



Seriously- Freelancing means that you are working for a fee and often selling the rights to the work which means no royalties. passive income means that once you create it, it generates money on its own. Royalties are a good example for a writer.

I use affiliate programs to sell my books so that I can make a little commission on some of the books I have created. I am on look out for other forms of passive income. This way I can be more selective in the jobs I take and not confine myself to the working poor.

There is plenty of work out there, it is just that there are not enough hours in the day to do it all!

So what forms of passive income do you all use? Comment on it! Tags: ,,

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