Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Traditional Magazine Freelancing

The boards are abuzz with magazines closing left and right. This has freelance writers very nervous. In addition, the magazines that are left are holding payments, killing articles or they are not hiring anyone, because there just is not any money.

People are talking about getting $1 a word. Depending on the size of the article, this is may could mean a payment of between $200 maybe up to $1500. That may sound great until you consider that most magazine pay much less than a $1 a word and some writers are waiting months or never getting paid.

Freelance writers, like myself, have to adapt. It is the Internet where the real money is these days. I get all of my jobs from the Internet through sites and word of mouth. I write books, eBooks, ghost write, create articles, and the lists go on. I have clients all over the world.

To those troopers trying to hold onto the dream of making a living as a magazine writer- it is time to adapt or find a new line of work. The days of the paper magazines are limited indeed.

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